Welcome! We are glad you're here! Bulverde Volleyball has been serving our area for 10 years!
We offer excellent training and skill development for all levels of athletes.
2024/2025 SEASON - We are taking a year off, check back with us next season!
A typical Club Season begins the last week of November and will wrap up in April/May, depending on what level and/or age of team your athlete is placed on. For example, Local Teams will have a shorter season with fewer practices and tournaments than a national team. National team's season could end late June/early July.
Tryouts are typically in late June each year. To determine which age your athlete should be evaluated for, the age group will be the age she WILL TURN between July 1st, 2024 through June 30th, 2025.
If you are new to BVC, you MUST bring your daughter's birth certificate. If our tryout is your first event of 2024 with us, please also bring your Liability Waiver Form, and everyone must bring the tryout evaluation form with you. All forms can be found under the forms tab.
We do not have any clinics scheduled at this time.
A great training program designed to introduce players to beach volleyball! We focus on skills, agilities and jumping, and overall reaction time. Geared for indoor and outdoor players!
Join our amazing coaching staff for skills training that will help get your athlete ready for MIDDLE SCHOOL TRYOUTS and for our younger age athletes, to keep those skills sharp!!! Geared for 5th-8th graders!
Lil Arrows is geared for 4th-6th grade athletes wanting to learn and improve their fundamental skills. New to volleyball 7th and 8th graders are welcome also! Lil Arrows is an excellent training opportunity for Current Club Team members, CYO/YMCA athletes ready for the next step, and new players ready to get started in volleyball and to continue working on their fundamentals. Our training will cover passing, setting, serving, and hitting and we will incorporate game play each session! Space will be limited. Our coaches will group the players by age and skill. 7 sessions total! $200 per athlete, includes T shirt!
JUST TEXT 210-849-4322
Do you LOVE to coach volleyball? Are you experienced, energetic, positive, organized? If you answered YES, we want to talk to you. We offer top pay as compared to other clubs. For the 2023/2024 Season, we are looking for coaches for:
1. Position Training for Clinics - Setting, Middles, Hitters, Serving, 1st Contact
Coaches interested in helping us with our clinics should have volleyball coaching experience and preferably have played at the collegiate or professional level.
2. Head Coaches
3. Assistant Coaches
Come join our growing club and our fun team of coaches!
​Email Sarah Johnson to discuss opportunities!!!
In order to become scorekeeper certified this season athletes must 1. be a member of USAV and Lone Star Region and then 2. register for and attend a scorekeeping clinic. 3. score keep a match at a tournament. 4. Make sure scorekeeping sheet is correct, then take a picture of the completed score sheet 5. Submit picture of score sheet to the Lone Star Region Scorer Chair (C.L. "Steve" Crane) at clcrane@swbell.net for his review and certification.
A list of Scorekeeping Clinics can be found on the Lonestar Region website under the heading "Official's Clinics and Info" or on the Sports Engine account through the USAV academy. The cost is $25.00 payable at the door by cash or check ONLY. You must register for the clinic in advance. DO NOT WAIT, THE CLINICS WILL FILL UP. Registration for these clinics is done through your Sports Engine account. Log In, Click on household, then select your athlete, then Click on USAV Academy to find a list of Provisional Score Keeping Clinics. All BV athletes must attend a scorekeeper clinic OR be already certified from last season prior to the team's first tournament. Once your athlete is certified to be a scorekeeper, Certifications are good for 2 seasons, and then they expire and your athlete will need to attend another clinic to become certified again. Parents can check their athlete's certification status by logging in to their Sports Engine Account and look for "credentials" in their daughter's membership.
Scorekeeping Refence Sheet for those wanting to refresh and/or prepare to score keep.
Scorekeeping Video Tutorial: Non-Deciding Set
Scorekeeping Video Tutorial: Deciding Set
Is your business interested in becoming a sponsor and the opportunity of advertising with Bulverde Volleyball?
Your company will receive name recognition and exposure based on the amount of sponsorship!!
Options could include: Logo featured on our web page, Logo featured on emails sent to club members, Logo featured on a team's backpacks, in-season monthly shout-outs on social media, and many more!
Email Sarah Johnson to start the conversation!
Please do not send your athlete to our volleyball events if they are experiencing any kind of sickness including, but not limited to: fever, fatigue, coughing, shortness of breath, chills, body aches, vomiting, diarrhea, sudden loss of taste or smell.
By participating in our events, parents and athletes assume all risk and liability of contracting communicable sickness (including COVID-19) and injury. If you are not comfortable with those risks, then your athlete should not participate in our volleyball events, including practices, clinics, and tournaments, etc. Our Waiver of Liability Form has been updated, Please read and have your athlete bring a signed copy of the Liability Waiver with them to your athlete's first training session effective May 1st, 2023! Find the Liability Waiver on our website under the "Forms" Tab or Bulverde Volleyball Liability Waiver. We MUST have a signed copy of our Liability Waiver on file before your athlete will be able to participate in our Events.
These guidelines and protocols are subject to change, it is your responsibility to make sure you are aware of these protocols and guidelines and any changes or updates. Please check your email and/or our website frequently. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
If you have any questions, please be in touch!